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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 06/06/2013
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
June 6, 2013

Present:        John Allen, Chairman; Bob Thompson and Bill Lockard, Selectmen

Visitors:       Town Office Administrator Julie Atwell, Town Office Administrative Assistant Ella Cressy, Police Chief Karl Meyers, Town Engineer Burr Phillips, Emergency Management Director/Health Officer Tom Greg, Larry Siebert, Allen Brooks, Joanne Brooks, Joyce Allen, Margie Furlong, Frank Benesh, Hank Benesh, Mary Canty, Phil Davies, Joan Aubrey, Ken Kimball, Ann ****, Scott Hayes, Bea Davis, Brian Byrne, Mia Cox

Chairman John Allen called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – May 16, 2013  The Minutes of May 16, 2013 were approved as written.  
  • Vote to unseal non-public meeting minutes – (Transfer Station Issue)
  • 10.6.11
  • 12.1.11
  • 3.1.12
  • 8.16.12
  • 9.6.12
Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to unseal the Non-Public Meeting Minutes of October 6, 2011; December 1, 2011; March 1, 2012; August 16, 2012 and September 6, 2012 regarding the Transfer Station Issue.  The motion passed unanimously.  

  • Vote to unseal non-public meeting – (Holly Lewis)
  • 9.27.12  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to unseal the Non-Public Meeting Minutes of September 27, 2012 regarding Holly Lewis.  
This set of minutes was part of a batch the Board unsealed prior to the March meeting; the Board held off on releasing this set due to concern regarding the reputation of a person involved.  The Transfer Station minutes are being released now that there is no threat of continued action.  

  • Update on 5.16.13  Chairman Allen noted this is a new item on the agenda; it’s a report of Action Items from the previous meeting.  
  • Selectman Lockard has talked with the Town Clerk regarding asking for a Quit Claim rather than liening property.  
  • The Shaw/Chase document is finalized; it should be approved and signed tonight.
  • Treasurer Schomaker agrees to online tax payments; he’s not interested in having a Deputy Treasurer.  
  • The funds will be transferred for the grader; this will be finished tonight.
  • Town Office Administrator Atwell has contacted Bartlett regarding their billing for the Transfer Station employees; an invoice has been sent to Bartlett for the funds owed to Jackson by Bartlett.  Their Board is meeting on Friday; Brenda will get back to Town Office Administrator Atwell.  
  • The notice has been sent to the owners of 41 Switchback Way.
  • Sarah Duffy is getting estimates for the Mirror Lake lamppost replacement.
  • The Job Description for the Town Office Administrative Assistant is complete.
  • Library Trustee Anne Lee Doig’s term ends in 2014.
  • The contact information has been received from Emergency Management Director/Health Officer Tom Greg; he is in attention and will speak during Public Comment.
  • Ray Burton’s office will be issuing a letter of recognition to Ray Abbott for his years of service to the town.
  • Board appointment letters are done; the Jackson Water Precinct appoints its own members.
  • Town Clerk/Tax Collector Heidmann sent thirty-day notices to the lots scheduled for liening.  At least one owner has come forward for resolution.
  • Public Comment  Bea Davis noted there was a great turn-out for the Memorial Day parade.  There were signs on the memorial by the school advertising a barn/book sale; those signs don’t belong on a memorial; it’s disrespectful.  It would also be nice to get a portable sound system as folks couldn’t hear the speakers.  Frank Benesh noted there are folks in town that have this kind of equipment; perhaps the town could borrow it.  The Sargent-at-Arms is taking care of the flags.
EMD/HO Tom Greg is getting up-to-speed.  The windstorm last weekend was intense; the Police and Fire Departments had a good handle on this and any special needs folks who might or might not need help during that.  He is keeping track of Tropical Storm Andrea; he thinks Jackson will get an inch or two of rain.  Bill Wogisch noted the storm was scary; many folks lost their power and he’d like to commend the power company on getting the power back on so quickly.  The Selectmen will send a letter to them.  

  • Police Report  Police Chief Karl Meyers reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; some items included: a report of a dog in a car; Officers went out and found the dog was not in distress and the owner was close-by; Officers assisted the Ambulance with an older citizen who was taken to the hospital with stomach pains; there was a motor vehicle accident just south of Dana Place Inn; the driver fell asleep.  There were four false burglar alarms; Officers assisted the Fire Department with smoke on Tin Mine Road; it was a person burning brush with a permit.  Officers assisted the Fire Department with a propane truck that was smoking as it was coming down Black Mountain Road; it was a case of bad brakes; there was a complaint of bears causing cars to stop; there was a dog complaint on Town Hall Road; Officers assisted the Ambulance with an intoxicated female who fell and hit her head.  A report was taken of a loose canine that was returned to its owner.  The Memorial Day parade went great; it was a nice turn out.  There was a gentleman who locked his keys in his car and wanted help to get in; Officers don’t do this with the newer vehicles due to liability.  A report was taken of a lost wallet; a welfare check was requested; there are several residents out of town; Officers are watching these homes.  A theft in October of four-thousand dollars in gold certificates from 1928 was investigated; it was the housekeeper who took them and a warrant will be issued next week.  Officers responded to an Ambulance call at a lodging establishment; a loose dog was reported on Moody Farm Road.  Officers also assisted the Co-op after the wind storm.  
  • Town Clerk/Tax Collector: Set up online tax payments – update (new bank account to be opened)  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to go forward with online tax payments through Avatar.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Shaw & Chase water drainage matter update  Chairman Allen has been in contact with everybody involved; the final copy is ready for acceptance and signing tonight.  Engineer Phillips would like a collar put on the culvert to prevent washout.  There are some erosion issues at the house that need to be addressed; this doesn’t impact the agreement.  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to sign the Indemnification Agreement with Brian Shaw and Susan Chase.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Building Matters – Andy Chalmers, Building Inspector
  • Building Permit 2013000023 Map V08, Lot 08 – (Owner – Adams) Build a new 3 bedroom 26 x 30 home  
  • Building Permit 2013000022 Map V07, Lot 101 – (Owner – Keirans Living Trust) – Remove existing porch and replace with 11 x 18 screened porch   
  • Building Permit 2013000024 Map V10, Lot 33 – (Owner – Caldwell) – Construct a new 2 bedroom 28 X 30 home with an 18 x 28 deck
Building Inspector Chalmers has reviewed and approved these.

  • ZBA – process overview – Frank and Joan  ZBA Chair Frank Benesh provided a three page handout about the ZBA’s process of decision-making and reviewed it.  He encouraged the Board to bring forward any concerns they might have about items on the ZBA’s docket so those concerns can be taken into consideration in its deliberations.    
  • ZBA – Boehringer Denial/Ruppel Rehearing  The Board is going to decline the attempt to challenge these decisions.  Counselor Malia felt these do not meet the burden of proof; it doesn’t rise to the level of taking it to the Superior Court.   The Board has no interest in pursuing this; that does not mean the Board is not in agreement that the ZBA got the decision wrong; it’s just in the town’s best interest not to pursue this.  Larry took pictures of the Boehringer house so he can bring this to the Planning Board; he wondered if the town really wants little camps or big beautiful homes; the abutting homes are all on similarly sized lots and have huge, nice homes on them; these homes are all within the setback.  The Dickies increased the volume of their home and built a beautiful home in the middle of town; that’s what the people of Jackson want to see.  Selectman Thompson urged Larry to bring this to the ZBA; Larry noted that while this might be something to bring to the ZBA, folks without standing are not able to speak there.  ZBA Chair Benesh noted having standing means to be directly impacted; he will discuss this further with Larry.   
  • Knot Weed – Spraying  Several folks from town were in attendance to express their concern about knot weed spraying and the contamination of the area’s soil and water in a futile attempt to keep knot weed at bay.  This plant is not a threat to the forest as it needs full sun; they would like the town to continue gathering information; many folks were not aware of this plan to spray.  Phil has been involved since Rob Hatch was Road Agent; the town is not looking to control knot weed in any areas other than on specific scenic roads.  The NH Department of Agriculture has relaxed some of the rules regarding eradicating knot weed on the roadside.  Over the past eight years work has been done trying to control knot weed along the Wildcat.  There was a warrant article, published before Town Meeting asking the voters to approve up to $2500 for eradicating knot weed; there was discussion about this at the Town Meeting and the article passed with a majority vote.  The town has an endorsement from the state and federal Department of Agriculture to do this.  Phil is very nervous that these folks are coming to the Selectmen today saying they have changed their minds; that’s not the way this works.  
Ann noted that at the Town Meeting the Town voted for using Round Up; now the product proposed is Arsenal.  Phil had told the Town Meeting that this product is non-toxic but from what she has read, it’s not non-toxic.  There are a lot of people in Jackson with cancer; the spaying should be put on hold for more thorough investigation.  It is possible to kill knot weed if it is cut three times in the summer.  Phil clarified that at Town Meeting he said the principal chemical is mixed with a small amount of Round Up.

Selectman Thompson clarify that nobody voted to spray; they voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $2500 for herbicide or other methods to eradicate knot weed; the majority of people felt throwing $2500 at it was the right thing to do.  

Ann is concerned someone has been contracted to do this; Phil noted the person they are working with has been asked to get the permit paperwork going; this process requires someone with wetlands ability.  The permit won’t be issued until the middle of September so it would be a waste of time to spray this year; they are going to wait until next year.  No one at the town has an agreement with anyone to do this; Chairman Allen signed an application to go to the state; there is no contract with a company to do the work.  

Allen Brooks thanked Phil for keeping them informed; they have knot weed right next to Spruce Brook and they are breathing a sigh of relief that the town will not be doing spraying on their property this year.  This is not stuff to feed children; the whole permitting process tells everyone that this stuff is toxic; folks were assured this product breaks down in water but wondered what it breaks down into.  Phil noted many things are toxic; that’s why raw milk isn’t readily available.  Allen would like the Board to know that if anyone plans to spray on their land it will be met with the highest level of protestation.  It was reiterated any continued spraying would have to go to the people.  Larry protests too; if anyone comes to spray on his property, he’ll stop them.  Folks should be given the option to say no.  

EMD/HO Greg suggested the Board defer this and look at the MSDS safety sheet for this chemical; there is potential for some liability here.  

Bill Wogisch told the Board something needs to be done fast on Moody Farm Road or that road will be down to one lane; he’s not sure spraying is the best way to go.  Ann reiterated that if it is cut three times in the summer it will ultimately die; she feels the town should hire a contractor to mow it three times this year and see what happens.      

Brian Byrne pointed out the town is talking about spraying small patches at $2500; there are enormous tracks of this all over town; a lot of folks will ask to have it managed; it is purely maintenance; if it is managed through cutting three times a year for three years; in that way it can be done without spraying chemicals.  Phil noted the town is only trying to hit it once to knock it back; he’s not convinced the town will ever spray again in his lifetime; all that is being asked for is one year to see what it looks like.  Ann noted spraying for three years is recommended; if the town is only going to spray once then it shouldn’t spray at all; the risk isn’t worth it; she believes a lot of folks would volunteer their time for eradication.  

Selectman Thompson thanked folks for their involvement; the Board is hearing this discussion; it’s certainly more than was had at Town Meeting.   He suggests those with an interest and passion about this to come together and look at the mapping job that was done and the methods to be used then come back to the Board with recommendations rather than continue to hash it out here.  There have been no contracts signed.  Chairman Allen wants property-owners to weigh-in on the option to cut or spray.  Bill noted the bottom line is that something has to be done; the Office will put this out through e-news.  

Lynn Brooks noted knot weed is salt-loving; the snow plow makes gigantic drifts then pours them over the bank into the brook with the cut knotweed; the stuff comes up through tarps unless those are weighed down.  Arsenal is non-selective; it kills everything and it does not break down in water; the chemical will transfer into intertwining roots and then into other plants; this is unacceptable in sustainable forestry.  She feels the town could use the $2500 to pay for gas and the time of people coming up from UNH or the Department of Agriculture to walk around and advise the town.  

Selectman Thompson likes the idea of notifying home owners through the Town Office; he’d like to see a meeting scheduled with recommendations going to Town Office Administrator Atwell.  Phil would like to see a balanced committee; not all people who are opposed to doing this.  

Ken Kimball noted he’s spent the better part of his life working with a similarly invasive plant:  Milfoil.  Further research won’t get Jackson anywhere.  History has shown that any herbicide is toxic but when used in spot application it can be more beneficial than letting the plant get out-of-hand.  If that happens, Jackson would be forced into spraying at magnitude.  He suggests that Jackson experiment and urged the town to make sure this is done right or it will compound the problem.  Phil noted any other method will involve a large amount of labor while spraying can be completed in one day.  

  • Larry – Conservation Commission – A Plan for the Falls and parking lot for Prospect Farm  Larry reviewed the Conservation Commission’s plan for the Falls and the parking lot for Prospect Farm.  They will pay for the work but the Board has to approve the plans.  There are a large number of paths at the Falls; they would like to narrow that down by using native plants and wood chips so it looks natural; the Commission can provide the labor if the Highway Department can bring in the chips.  There is also a pile of granite out behind the Town Office; perhaps pieces could be used for a walkway or to block a path.  Anything being done around the Falls could be controversial; when wood chips get put down people will question why; this information should be put in e-news.  Larry hasn’t spoken with Road Agent Henry yet; he will catch up with him.
The Forest Service is done with the THAN project; there is a signed contract; the Forest Service was going to put in a six-car parking lot; their gate is on the right; this was to be just beyond the gate on the left.  The Forest Service doesn’t have the money now and wants to renege.  There are a lot of cars up there; if Jackson can’t get the Forest Service to keep to the contract, a parking lot needs to be put in.  Road Agent Henry is the best person to tell them where it should go; the Conservation Commission would like an eight to twelve car lot up there; right now folks are parked all over the place.  This is only for summer and fall use; the road isn’t plowed.  There’s a pit up there that the Forest Service owns; perhaps they will let Jackson haul gravel out of it.  Selectman Thompson wants a copy of the contract for the next meeting.

The Commission had a member step down; there is one letter of intent from Tom Seibel.  The Board has previously discussed Tom’s qualifications.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to appoint Tom Seibel as a Conservation Commission regular member.  The motion passed unanimously.   

  • Wildcat River Erosion – Ken Kimball  Ken is here for Thom Perkins and the Jackson Ski Touring Foundation (JXC).  The Wildcat River wants to leave its banks; photos were provided.  When there are high water events the river backs up and tries to cut a channel; over time the bridge would be isolated; the current bridge takes advantage of the high land.  JXC has talked with the owners and has been in conversation with the Golf Course; they have given verbal approval to try to remedy this issue.  There is no plan to change the dynamics of the river; they want to use riprap or a biological erosion control method.  The erosion is because the Golf Course has removed the trees which normally hold the soil.  Selectman Thompson noted the area is currently losing trees due to the beavers; it was noted the Golf Course removed 99% of the arboreal forest.  The Wildcat River is in the National Park Wild & Scenic program; the town of Jackson asked for that designation.  JXC will work with all agencies necessary to make sure the work is done properly.  Larry noted the Conservation Commission has taken a look at this area; they need to do something there soon.  DES is going to make any decision regarding what they can do.  It wouldn’t hurt for the Selectmen and the Conservation Commission to write a letter about how important the river is; that it’s vital to Jackson.  Thom talked with DES; engineers will get up there and then JXC will submit a plan for approval within the next couple of months.  The Board needs to look at 121.7 for this project.
  • Legal Expenses through May 31, 2013  Benesh – $2800; Funicella – $2800 and Shaw – $105 for this billing period.  
  • Water Precinct – Scott Hayes  There is a potential project the Precinct wanted to inform the Board about; it’s a six-hundred foot water main extension by the Post Office up Black Mountain Road; there is a new house on Black Mountain Road.  This requires going across two-hundred-fifty feet of paved area at the Old Town Hall; there is the potential for water to the Old Town Hall.  The water main extension is paid for by the new customers; it’s a $75,000 project.  The Precinct is always looking for practical expansion to make the customer base bigger.  The other consideration is that this involves an increase in boundaries; ten residents of the Precinct have brought it forward; the Commissioners aren’t sure, legally, if this has to go to the Town Meeting.  The Commissioners wondered if the Board has anything to contribute financially.  Some of the other property owners in the neighborhood would be interested in having community water.  This is the Precinct’s second or third time trying to offer water to Christmas Farm Inn; three years ago they were supposed to go into a feasibility study but the Inn has new owners.  If the project goes ahead, the Precinct would install a curb valve there; even if the owners decided not to do it now the valve would be there for later.  This would provide fire protection in an historical building.  Scott will keep the Board updated.  
  • Old Library – Septic – Joan Aubrey  Fritz Koppel has offered an easement for the Old Library’s septic.  There are three conditions; he’d like the town to reimburse him for the drafting and recording of the easement.  The easement will be for the minimum amount allowed and if the proposed system is not constructed within four years the easement is null.  Fritz asked the Selectmen to acknowledge the easement and accept the conditions.  Joan provided a picture of the proposed system.  Once the Board gives its approval the Committee will talk to the Church; they have been talking with the Chapel Association.  The Church won’t allow them to cut into the pavement; their septic is under their parking lot.  
Selectman Thompson wondered what the cost would be; Joan noted the Committee has a budget of ten-thousand; the Committee knew this would be challenging.  The system will be pumped maybe four-hundred feet to a tank in the back.  Chairman Allen would like to see an estimate of the legal costs before approving this.  Joan asked if the Board could approve this with a cap; if the costs go over then the Committee will come back for more.  The Committee had five-thousand dollars and didn’t spend it all so it went away so that ate into the ten-thousand they had for finishing; there is approximately eight-hundred-fifty dollars remaining.  Fritz is doing work on a building so he has to tunnel under the road; the water source will be the fire hydrant across the street; the Committee hopes to get a bid to get the water line across the street while the crew is there.  

The Old Library Committee is holding its first meeting regarding the 501(c)3 on June 23rd:  The building needs other things; it is sagging a bit in the middle and will need jacking up; some of the trim is rotted; the exterior needs to be stained and there are gorgeous wood floors that need work.  The Old Library Committee will fund-raise.  Chairman Allen asked if there has been an inspection; Building Inspector Chalmers has been in there, others have been through.  The Old Library Committee didn’t know they would actually be able to do this.  They will need to insulate between the ground and the floor with the water; the building will be used more with water in there.  

The Committee would like a letter of support to Fritz acknowledging the conditions.  It was agreed it would be nice to have an estimate but the Committee has the money in their budget.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion that the Selectmen sign a letter of support to Fritz Koeppel acknowledging the conditions up to an amount of two-thousand dollars.  The motion passed unanimously.    

  • Board Appointment Forms – Signatures Required
  • Deputy Health Officer  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to appoint Andrew Chalmers as Deputy Health Officer.  
The remaining appointments were already voted on and require signatures; these were signed.

  • New Business
  • Office
  • Payroll Transfers Online  This if FYI; the Office Staff got Treasurer Schomaker’s input; there are no fees involved.
  • Check Signing Process  The check-signing process will change from requiring the Treasurer and two Selectmen to the Treasurer and one Selectman.  The manifest will still be available for the Selectmen to review.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to change the check-signing process from requiring three signatures to two as presented.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • PTO clarifications – proposed updated policy  This ties into agenda item 20(a); the Office Staff made changes to the policy which are in red with comments as to why the change is suggested.  There is a calculation for pro-rated time; a copy of Jackson’s current policy and a sample of the employee policy where Selectman Thompson works.  The Board was asked to look at it; make suggestions and/or changes and plan to vote on changes at the next meeting.  Town Office Administrator Atwell spoke with Police Chief Meyers and Road Agent/Fire Chief Henry; the Police Department wants to leave the policy the way it is.  The Town Office Staff are in favor of moving ahead with the policy change and Road Agent/Fire Chief Henry gave his approval to move forward with this, too.  Town Office Administrator Atwell noted the change gives Jackson’s employees the option to do what they want with their time rather than categorizing it as Sick, Personal or Vacation.  Of those asked, the vote is four in favor and one against.  Office Administrator Atwell has some suggestions for a transition rather than making wholesale changes at the end of the fiscal year.
  • Office Hours  The Board had mentioned having Office hours on Friday; after discussion, the Staff would like to suggest a schedule of Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. with no closure during lunch.  Chairman Allen asked if there is a day when there is more traffic in the Office; this is seasonal rather than day-to-day; there is not any one day that’s busier than others; there is not a lot of traffic on Friday.  Selectman Thompson noted this will provide increased access to the public; it’s a good idea.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to go to a new set of hours, for the Selectmen’s Office only, which are Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to noon.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Letter to the Trustees of the Trust Fund – for the grader – signatures required  The letter requests the Trustees to release the money for the grader.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to sign the letter authorizing the Trustees of the Trust Fund to release $50,000 from the Highway Capital Fund in accordance with Article 8.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Blind Exemption – (V09, Lot 03)  This was moved to Non-Public.
  • Liquor License Transfer for Inn at Thorn Hill  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to sign the Liquor License Transfer for the Inn at Thorn Hill.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Old Business
  • Board Policy – (see 19a.(iii))  
  • Board openings – (planning board alternate/Treasurer)  Town Office Administrator Atwell wants the Board to think about the Treasurer’s position in preparation for Treasurer Schomaker’s retirement.  A change from elected to appointed has to go on the warrant so the Treasurer would be elected for the one year and then the next year the Board would appoint someone to the position.  Treasurer Schomaker has said this is more than a stipend position due to the number of transactions to be reconciled and verified.  Treasurer Schomaker is only going to be in the position until March so it will be an elected position for one year.  Town Office Administrative Assistant Cressy noted the elected position has to be a town resident while an appointed position does not.  This has a stipend of five-thousand dollars now.  The Office Staff want to get someone trained now to take the position on in March.  This would not be a Deputy; it would be someone assisting the Treasurer but with no authority.  The presumption is that the “pre-treasurer” would run for election in March 2014.  
Selectman Thompson wondered if the Board should be involved in an elected office; he feels it wouldn’t be appropriate.  If no one comes forward then there would be the opportunity for a write-in candidate.  Town Office Administrator Atwell asked if this should be removed from the openings list; the Board feels this has to be removed.  Selectman Thompson noted that changing this to an appointed position makes sense but it could politicize the position.  Town Office Administrative Assistant Cressy noted if the position becomes appointed it would be posted and there would be interviews and the person would be hired until there’s a reason to get a new person.  Selectmen Thompson isn’t sure how involved this position has to be; it stands a good look at; the Office Staff will get information from other towns as to how many hours their treasurer works.   If no one signs up the legislative body can vote to turn it into an appointed position.  When Treasurer Schomaker signs the checks all he is doing is making sure the figures match.  This town should have a treasurer that does verification.   Town Office Administrative Assistant Cressy noted the town has a Purchase Order system for that purpose.  

The action steps are to check with surrounding towns to see what they do and to speak with Treasurer Schomaker.  The Board wants to get his thoughts on this and see if he’ll consider having an Assistant with no authority to groom in anticipation of his retirement next year.  

  • Job Description - Update  There is only a title change for the Town Office Administrator; there is a new title and job description for the Town Office Administrative Assistant.  The Board has not had time to look at these; this is tabled to the next meeting.  
  • Mirror Lake Lamppost replacement - Update  This was previously discussed (see agenda item 4).  
  • Charitable Exemption Requests (Recommended action is enclosed for each from Jason Call, Assessing Agent)
  • New Hampshire Public Radio Map R17, Lot 31B-B02  This exemption is being revisited; over the past several years this entity has been exempt; this year it was denied; there needs to be a reason provided for the denial.  Without the antennae up there Jackson might not get NHPR.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to approve the Charitable Exemption Request.   The Board agrees it makes sense to continue with the pattern set in the past until the members have better information as to why this should not be exempt.  There was no further discussion.  The motion passed unanimously.    
  • Ray Burton – Recognition – update  This was discussed previously (see agenda item 4).
  • Public Comment  There were none.
Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A3, II(c) at 7:20 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Board returned to Public Session at **** p.m.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at ***** p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted by:

                                                Martha D. Tobin

                                                Recording Secretary